Jumaat, 14 September 2012

Spaghetti in the Houz

Ok semalam mood rajin datang , tetibe aje nak masak spaghetti for dinner, lagipun my abah request nak makan. Heuheu :)
So here the super duper simple recipe , budak skolah rendah pun buleh buat daaa...
  • You needs :

    • -  1(300gm) packet of spaghetti
    • -  4 tbsp olive oil
    • -  4 garlic cloves, crushed
    • -  450g minced chicken (Saudi brand)
    • -  1 packet of chicken sausage 
    • -  1 large holland onion, finely chopped
    • -  1/2 bottle of kimball spaggeti sauces
    • -   3 tablespoon of Chili sauce

    My favourite sauce so far ..

    Tak lupa jugak olive oil yang still virgin lagi neh
    Kalo tak ado,boleh ganti ngn corn oil ye
    Ehsan pakcik google,coz haku lupa nak snap

  • Preparation method :

    Heat a wok  with the olive oil. Add the holland onion, and garlic.Stir over a medium heat for 2 minute atau sampai terbit bau.

        2. Then, Crumble the minced chicken into the pan and stir-fry over a high heat for 5 minutes to break up the meat and brown it.


    Kalau korang rajin, boleh cucuk spaghetti ngn sausage tapi kalo korang nak guna meatballs pun takde masalah ye. 
    Kene cucuk slow2 sebab spaghetti tu mudah patah tau. 

    Masa tengah direbus tu jgn lupa letak sedikit olive oil tau 
    nak avoid dr melekat ye puanpuan :P

    And the result ...Cantikkan ? Hehe.
    #Bajetlah sangat.Kehkeh

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