Jumaat, 5 Oktober 2012

Contest-Libresse Barometer !

Holla , Assalamualaikum gegurls readers !
Jom join kontes libresse  ,
Boys not allowed sebab korang tak datang period!
Okey :P

Are you game for amazing experiences? Join Libresse for an amazing journey!

 Have fun, take on life’s challenges & wonderful experiences, with the freedom 

& confidence to be who you are. After all, you’ll never know if you like it until 

you try it ^.^

 Actually korang kene answer 3 question dlm kotak putih tuh and record ur voice tuh  dengan kreatip la kan,baru buleh menang! 
But don't worry the questions quite easy lah !

This week question !
Hurry up !
Sends ur submission :P
 More info ? Boleh ketik link dibawah :

Sambilsambil tu kalo korang nak FREE SAMPLE punboleh !
Baguskan libresse , siap boleh mintak sample pad bagai  


Psstt, nak gtau i'm a libresse user! Ilovelibresse ^.^
Tu je ! Thank you for reading 
Love you .

Okay , Bye .. Hee 

Bajet 2013

Salam Jumaat . Assalamualaikum korang sume ! 
Rini nadd ingin kongsikan secara ringkas tentang pengumuman bajet 2013 yang telah diumumkan oleh dato' ajib 

Negara Makmur,Rakyat Sejahtera, Janji Ditepati ?!

123,ooo unit rumah harga patut bakal dibina.Hopefully setiap umah dibina ada package ngan pool skali eh ? Baru ada class .
Kehkeh , demanding betol haku neh -.-''

Voucher bantuan RM100 bagi pelajar dan baucar buku penuntut Universiti dinaikkan kepada RM250 .Up lagik rm50 !
Alhamdullilah :)

Pencen minimum pesara kerajaan dinaikkan kepada RM820

Pelepasan cukai individu yang anak menuntut di universiti dinaikkan kepada RM6000

Bonus 1.5 bulan gaji akan diberikan kpd goverment servant, pesara terima RM5OO

BR1M 2.O dilaksanakan awal tahun depan ,individu bujang 21 tahun keatas & pendapatan <Rm2000 sebulan layak terima bantuan sebanyak RM250

Rebat RM200 bagi pembelian smartphone kepada individu berumur 21-30 tahun pendapatan <Rm3000 sebulan 

Subsidi gula dikurangkan sebanyak 0.20sen.
Asal dorang kurangkan eh?Patut nye kene tambah lagi 5kupang  sebab Malaysian ramai yang ada diabetis tau !
Kadar Cukai dikurangkan 1mata peratusan bagi kumpulan pendapatan bercukai tahunan sehingga RM50000
Hopefully semua janji ini ditepati ye :) Taksabo nak nerima faedahnya !
Kalo korang semua dapat bantuan sebegini especially voucher buku manfaatkan sebaik mungkin ye, jgn duk gatal nak jual pulak lam etc .
pleaselah appreciate sket ape pihak  goverment kasik !

Thanks ye pak ajib !
 Malaysia .. Hehe

Source image courtesy - Uncle Google
And HM

Selasa, 2 Oktober 2012

Fruity Triffle

Holla, Assalamualaikum korang sume :)
Tonite i nak share simple triffle recipe! A trifle is a wonderfully indulgent dessert. Sweet, creamy, with the added textures of fruit and sponge, it is an ideal finish to a meal when you really want to push the boat out .One of the great things about a trifle is that it’s easy to make. Oklah da banyak berceloteh pulak kak senah neh.

You needs:
T Kek gulung cut into strips 2.5 cm thick, 2.5 cm wide and of a length to fit the bowl you are using for your trifle. If you use sponge cake try to find one with a dense consistency as it will hold together better.
T Fruit – traditional choices are tinned Lychee
T Nata De Coco (Optional)
T 1 packet of raspberry or strawberry jelly(nona brand's)
T500 ml custard. 

  1. Make up your custard according to the manufacturer’s instructions and allow it to cool.
  2. Make up the jelly and allow it to cool so that it is just stating to set. Using jelly that is beginning to thicken will protect the sponge from becoming overly soggy.
  3. Place a layer of  trifle sponges or sponge-cake strips so that they cover the base of a large glass bowl.
  4. Place a layer of fruit @ nata de coco pun boleh on top of the sponge.
  5. Pour your semi-liquid jelly into the bowl so that it soaks the sponge and just submerges the fruit.
  6. Place the bowl in the fridge until the jelly has set.
  7. Remove from the fridge and add a layer of custard about 3 cm deep.
  8. If your bowl is deep enough you can repeat steps 3 – 8 to make a double-decker trifle.
  9. Ready to serve and makan mase sejuksejuk lagi best tau ! 

Walllllaaaah , the result !

Ni fruity Choc Triffle !Kalo korang suka boleh letak choc ontop !
That's why ontop koko kalernya ..

Ni Lychee Fruity Triffle sobab me letak lychee ontop !
Sedap jugak la rasenya ^.^

Psssstt, Happy Trying recipe yang tak seberape neh :)

Tuesday Laugh !

Holla, Assalamualaikum readers ! 
Ketot entry again :P

My Fav Kdrama

Annayonghaseyo !
lol.. tetibe tuka communicate language korea gitu ha. Almaklumlah duk korea seploh juta tahun ! Budget betollah gua neh :3 Okaylah day dreaming aje lebih haku neh ha, bia blom lagi jejak ke bumi korea tuh.. InsyaAllah akanku usahakan untuk sampai kesane jugak ha :P Mau p jumpa oppa Kim Jong Kook !Hee 

Disebabkan me seorang peminat K-drama yang separa-tegar, haku nak share jugak my fav kd movies so far !

#Drum rollssss skali lah ......

       Full House ♥ My Love Patzzi

           B.O.F  The Fair Lady

     SpyMyeongWol  Secret Agent Miss Oh 

       Brains  Heartstrings

Coffee Prince  Protect the Boss

Secret Garden49 Days

Playfull Kiss  Lie To Me
Stop here for now readers ya ! Mate udah kepenatan @@
 Okay ^^ Bubye 
Nite U olls...

Happy Birthday Abah !

Hello and Assalamualaikum korang!  T
How fast time flies! Pejamcelik pejam celik hmm, today da masuk 2nd October 2012 kan...Oklah,today is meaningfulday to my lovely Abah bcoz today's his birthday! Alhamdullilah,Alhamdullilah..thanks Ya Allah for giving me a Ohsem Abah :") Terharu okey ^^ Biar jugak kekadang He's truculent to me,(tegas manjamanja la) but I know everything he does opkos,has his own reason kan? And as the eldest doter,me should obey him :) Bcos that's my responsibility!

No birthday cards, wishes, greetings or messages can express in words the 

amount of love and respect I have for you. Here's my humble attempt at giving 
you a very warm greeting on this special day!

Happy 50th Birthday, Abah
May Allah bless you always and forevar!

Psstt,maseh duk terpikir ni haa, ape nak kasik for my abah .Any idea's?
InsyaAllah tomorrow morning,lajulaju pegi Bakery with my Ummi cari cake lah :P
And i will update balik entry neh!

Stay tuned readers comel :D

Isnin, 1 Oktober 2012

Hello Mr. Oct !

Assalamualaikum korang ! Just cinonet entry.
 Alhamdullilah,pejam celik pejam celik.. udah masuk bulan seploh tahun 2012 ye. Thanks Allah for giving us space and opportunity to stay alive in beautiful World !
Anyway ,Happy October Everyone !
 And hopefully everyday,everyhour ,every minutes and seconds give us 
prosperity and happiness !
Ameen :)

Sabtu, 29 September 2012

Tips : Penjagaan Lens yang betul

Assalamualaikum korang ! Haip  rini i nak share bout the right way to wear lens :) 
Dan gua pasti ramai antara korang yang pakai lens biar secara hakikatnya korang tak rabun! Heee .. Pemakaian lens kini menjadi trends dlm kalangan remaja sebab nak nampak cute? and terpengaruhkan ngan artis korea ? sebab diorang nampak cute and meletops bila pakai lens kan?? Macam barbie doll pun hado..

Disebabkan mata merupakan pencaindera and aset yang ofcos lah yang terpenting dan sensetip , Maka nadd nak share few tips cara penjagaan lens and moga ia bermanfaat pada korang sume yee ;p

  • Buat pemeriksaan berkala dengan pakar optometri untuk mata dan supaya dapat mengenalpasti lens yang sesuai untuk mata korang .
  • Bersihkan and basmi kuman pada kanta sentuh setiap hari seperti yang disarankan dan pastikan sentiasa dijaga dengan baik.Elakkan, daripada diletakkan dibawah cahaya dan suhu yg tinggi ye .
  • Jgn sesekali korang pakai lens yang rosak @ yg telah berubah warna asal tau.Kang tak pasal2 mata korang pulak yang buta.
  • Basuh tangan cucicuci tau,sabun banyakbanyak..Then bilas sebersih mungkin before sentuh lens !
  • Makesure kuku korang pendek tau before wearing lens,ye lah takut lens ti rosak bila korang pakai.
  • Sila Gunakan pembersih kanta sentuh yang disarankan dan jgn guna air paip pulak untuk cuci.
  • Sebelom makeup and selepas makeup pleaselah korang, tanggalkan dulu lens.
  • Tutop mata rapatrapat ha sebelom korang menggunakan sebarang semburan.Tak kisah lah shieldtox atau ridsect pun .. haaaa ..Kahkah
  • Simpan kanta sentuh ke dalam bekas yang sesuai.
  • Semasa korang simpan lens ke dalam bekas pastikan lens tu berada kedudukan di tengah-tengah sebelom korang tutup bekas tuu ...

  • Elakkan membeli kanta sentuh yang murah harganya tanpa diketahui tahap kualitinya kerana mata adalah aset paling berharga dan sensitip.Awas ,jgn beli kat nightmarket dan setarap dengannya..Sila beli di kedai optometris yang diiktiraf KKM ,bia mahal asal mato kita terjamin tau !
  • Kalo mata korang mengalami simptom merah atau gatal lepas pakai lens , silolah jumpa doctor dengan segeraaaaa ... 

Oklah stakat ini ajo perkongsian tips for today !
Harap ia memberi manfaat pada korang sume :D
Wait for next entry yaaa dear :)


Rabu, 26 September 2012

Contest - What's Beautiful To You

Assalamualaikum  :D
Hai readers ?! Selamat pagi and have a nice day :P Korang nak hadiah tak ? Klau nak jom join What's ''Beautiful'' To You ! Contest nih senang ajo nak menang ha , just upload gambar yang korang suka and jelaskan Kecantikan / Beautiful tentang gambar tu ha :)

The weekly prizes ! An ENCHANTEUR BEAUTIFUL Hamper worth RM100 which will include the full

BEAUTIFUL range together with an exclusive ENCHANTEUR Hand Mirror and

ENCHANTEUR Charm Bracelet! :)
The Charming Bracelet :)


Grab this toooo ^..^

** Every 10th submission  jugak will receive250ml ENCHANTEUR Beautiful 

MoistureSilk Perfumed Body Lotion tau :)

Image from Google Courtesy 

From now till 30th September 2012, caption and submit a BEAUTIFUL picture that best encapsulates your definition of beauty on our timeline. It could be a picture of a breathtaking sunrise. Or a pretty bouquet of flowers. A loving old couple strolling in the park. The night sky. Someone you love. See? The possibilities are endless – so go wild and be creative. Especially since we’ve got some fabulous prizes for the best entries!

  1. “Like”
  2. Submit a picture that best reflects BEAUTIFUL in your opinion (by posting it directly to Enchanteur's Timeline
  3. Add a caption on why you think your picture reflects BEAUTIFUL
  4. Share out your post to all your friends!

Our panel of judges will select a winner each week based on the beauty and creativity of your picture and caption. Our judges’ decision is final and no correspondence will be entertained - Source  FB Enchanteur My :P

P/s:  I already sent the submission :) Pada yang blom , Masih ada lagi 5 hari untuk korang send submission tau! And korang jugak berpeluang untuk MENANG


Isnin, 24 September 2012

Tips : Cam-whoring for DP

1. Keep your profile picture simple
Turn your camera 90 degrees to take vertical shot.This way, you'll elimanate all the empty space in the background and don't have to do cropping later.

2.Lighting is Important
Take your pic in abrightly lit area or under natural sunlight.Avoid dim yellow lights as the photo will either end up too dark or if you use flash,you might look washed out.

3.Avoid looking delibrate
The best dp are those of you looking the most natural and not intentionally dressed up to take it.Relax and smile :D And steer clear of lingerie and drunken shots as you never know who might be poking around in your Facebook,blog or other social networking!

Thats reality especially for the gurlssss ( including me too .. Hahaha :P

And duckface bagai - .. -''

Image from google courtesy ^^,